COP28 Presidency releases ambitious, inclusive plan to fast-track the energy transition and supercharge climate finance

(Adnkronos) – BRUSSELS, July 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — COP28 President-Designate Dr. Sultan Al Jaber has called on governments, industry, and all stakeholders to "disrupt business as usual" and take decisive action to tackle the climate crisis. Speaking at the Ministerial on Climate Action in Brussels, which brings together the environment ministers of the European Union, Canada, and China, Dr. Al Jaber said it was time to challenge old models built for the last century and break down silos in industries and governments that slow down progress to a low carbon economy. In his speech, Dr. Al Jaber outlined a wide-ranging plan for COP28 that focuses on four pillars: fast-tracking the energy transition, fixing climate finance, focusing on adaptation to protect lives and livelihoods, and underpinning everything with full inclusivity. Dr. Al Jaber made critical calls to action and highlighted key efforts already underway: Pointing to the expected findings of the Global Stocktake on climate change, which will be published later this year, he said the world had to "unite, act and deliver" to solve the climate crisis. He called on all stakeholders to "partner around this shared opportunity." Dr. Al Jaber said: "Let's mobilize to deliver supercharged solutions and ambitious outcomes. And let's restore hope through unity and collective action." The latest updates from COP28 are available on Twitter (@COP28_UAE), with images and videos for usage on Flickr (COP28 UAE). For more information, please visit: Notes to Editors: COP28 UAE: 
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Last Updated on 13 Luglio 2023 by Redazione


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